Try these quick solutions to calm him down
  1. Hold the baby skin to skin
    - Skin to skin contact reduces stress levels for both mother and baby. When the baby is calm, then offer the breast
  2. Let the baby suck
    - Offer a finger (or pacifier) for the baby to suck on for a minute or two. Sucking is a way babies sooth themselves.
  3. Give a taste
    - Hand express milk from the nipple for the baby to taste. Or dribble milk over the nipple to entice him to the breast.
  4. Provide motion
    - Pick the baby up, rock, walk, bounce or dance. Babies are used to constant motion while in the uterus. Providing motion reminds them of “home”.
  5. Offer swaddling
    - Wrap the baby snuggly for a few minutes
  6. Check his skin temperature
    - Feel your baby’s tummy and make sure he is not too hot or too cool.
  7. Stay Calm
    - Babies are sensitive to your stress level. Remain calm and your baby may follow suit.
  8. Reduce the stimulation
    - Too much stimulation, for too long, can be over-whelming for babies Dim the lights, make no sounds and give the baby a break. Sometimes white noise like the sound of a hair dryer helps.
  9. Burp your baby or bicycle his legs Maybe there is a burp that needs to come up or gas that needs to go down.
  10. Do something different
    - If none of these solutions work, distract your baby with something different. Blow in his face, sing or hum, hold him up over your head or give a bath.
 Watch for feeding cues for the next feeding:
  • Waking up
  • Licking lips & sticking tongue out
  • Sucking sounds
  • Hand to mouth activity
  • Rooting
  • Generalized body movements
 Feed the baby before the last feeding cue…
     11. Crying
You won’t spoil your baby by attending to his needs!


Get in Touch!

Telephone: (904) 723-4078

13241 Bartram Park Blvd
Unit #217
Jacksonville, FL 32258
